
We offer formal evaluation of your services only when we are both confident that this is the work most needed to enable change, for example an independent review, strategic analysis or stocktake.

Sometimes we start in this place but as we explore the true nature of the issues, we find another route is better suited. We work holistically, meaning that we go beyond the tangible aspects of the problem and seek to delve into the invisible dynamics that constitute that problem – for example cultural, professional and organisational relational networks. This helps us to get to the heart of the issue, and it generates confidence from participants who see that their lived experience is being recognised. Evaluation will usually include stakeholders beyond your team or organisation to ensure there is a ‘whole system’ appreciation of what is happening. If we are undertaking a piece of bespoke consultancy work with you, we will hardwire evaluation into its design from the outset. When we are asked to provide evaluation, we will partner with trusted associates who bring subject-specific expertise and credibility.

Anna brings a sharp mind, critical appraisal of the evidence base, strong ethics, great drive and determination

Associate Director for Mental Health
Clinical Commissioning Group

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